Friday, May 21, 2010

Are you an adult over 35 years of age with METAL braces, NOT invisible braces or veneers?

I'm in the process of improving my entire life. I can't afford veneers, and other expensive dental work, and I don't qualify for invisible braces, so I plan to pay monthly on metal braces in the future when I'm in a better position financially. I know there are adults who wear braces, but I personally have not seen any over the age of 35. How many of you are over 35 with metal braces? How difficult was it to wear them? How long did you wear them based on the condition of your teeth? If I qualified for invisible braces, it wouldn't be an issue, but since metal braces are so obvious and usually for children, I'm a little concerned. What I want is more important than what others think, but I can't help but feel the minute I open my mouth with metal braces people will think "this person is too old for braces". LOL

Are you an adult over 35 years of age with METAL braces, NOT invisible braces or veneers?
I have had several friends over 35 that have had braces. In fact, they were 40, 43, and 45 when they got them. NONE of them got invisible. My good friend (age 43) that has them now. She can well afford invisible (she had to get them because of her bite %26amp; if not she could lose her teeth later in life) Also, 2 of her 4 kids currently have braces. I don't even notice them on her anymore! She even goes for the colored bands! In October she is getting orange. None of her friends mind or care. She is very social %26amp; has just 'embraced' it all (no pun intended). Another friend (male - age 45) got them- again, he could have easily afforded non-metal, but didn't want to waste the money. He had them on the longest....his teeth look great. My other friend got them at age 40 (and she was single!!!!!)....she actually met her fiance while she had them (an airline pilot)....and they've been happily married for years now....

I had braces when I was younger, but my teeth have shifted (I'm over 35), and I need them again.....when I do, I'm just doing metal...the end result will be the same, no matter the price, so why spend more? Since I'm considering when to get them for me, I seem to be seeing them on more adults - and I'd say I see a LOT Of metal.......Good Luck!
Reply:I think braces on an adult would be kinda cute/endearing.

You could probably get away with lots of stuff and just go 'awww shucks!'.
Reply:no im not even close to 35 about if you subtract 5?

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