Monday, April 27, 2009

Veneers for slight overbite?

I have a slight overbite, nothing major or too noticeable. Anyways, I may get veneers someday for mild orthodontic problems. I was wondering how veneers can help with the appearance of an overbite. Obviously veneers don't fix the overbite, but how does the dentist fix the appearance? Thanks!

Veneers for slight overbite?
It is conceivable that you might have veneers applied to the front surface of your top teeth, making the teeth appear to be thicker and as if they were located in front of your bottom teeth. One problems to consider, though, is that your bottom teeth would really be putting a lot of force right at the edge of the veneers and this would create a greater risk than normal for breaking the veneers. For approximately the same money as veneers, you might consider getting caps (crowns) on the front teeth. Ask your dentist. Your exact position would make a difference, but it might be less likely to lead to broken porcelain if you could have caps placed. You would not be biting down onthe interface where the veneer is bonded to the tooth if you went this direction.

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