Saturday, May 15, 2010

Best way to whiten veneers?

how can i whiten my veneers

Best way to whiten veneers?
What if you don't like the color of your new porcelain veneers?

There can be instances where a patient's porcelain veneers have been bonded into place yet later on the patient concludes that they really were hoping for an end result that was slightly lighter in shade. Once a porcelain veneer has been bonded onto a tooth its color cannot be changed. If there is something about a veneer that is not pleasing then the only option is to grind it off and repeat the veneering process, which clearly can be a pretty expensive proposition.

This scenario clearly demonstrates the importance of the patient's active participation during the porcelain veneer try-in stage. During this step the color changes that are possible when using different shades of cement can be evaluated. If you have an opinion it must be voiced. After a porcelain veneer has been cemented it is too late to make a predictable change.

Reply:I don't know that you can. You might have to get new ones.
Reply:I don't think you can. You definitely can't do it with standard tooth whitening strips. Maybe there's something the dentist can do.
Reply:no can do, and who ever put them in should have told you that (they probably did you just don't remember) you should always drink through a straw.
Reply:unfortunately procelain veneers don't change color if you bleach them. You have to consult with your dentist about change them to the shade of your liking.

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