Saturday, May 15, 2010

I live in misery and depression since getting veneers done.?

i am 31, rasing 2 small children and living in depression since getting 8 venneers done on my uppers 2 months ago at the cost of $15000, 2 of them fractured just 1 month later. my dentist said it was the lab's fault when making them. I got them replaced but i am worried that the rest of my veneers will break, and i know that if a veneer breaks, u can't fix it but replace the new one and everytime a new one put on, exsessive dental preparation is needed, i will loose more tooth enamel therefore, i afraid that i will ended up wearing dentures soon. i am thinking about my teeth as soon as i wake up in the morning. I just don't want to get out of bed, my depression is getting worse everyday. I have a life to live and children to raise other than having my teeth checked in the mirror every 15 minutes to see if they r still in a good shape. Please tell me how to overcome this misery.

I live in misery and depression since getting veneers done.?
My Life, I always look up the answers that members have previously given before replying to their present question.

It gives me an inside look at the person themselves and helps me understand their question better.

In Mylife's case she has not answered any questions so I am totally in the dark.

I hate to say this but if I'm not honest then I'm not worth listening to.

MyLife , you are pre-occupied with your dental situation. You may have a very good reason for being so and it would help if you would tell us why you chose to spend $15,000 on a dental treatment.

Are you in the public eye or in a position where your appearance is critical to your success?

Porcelin jacket crowns cost about $400 per tooth so that $4000 would have gotten you the same look as Hollywood veneers. Yet you managed to spend another $11,000. That puzzles us here in Answers.

In the city where I live the very best upper denture with teeth so life like not even a relative would know they were not real costs less than $1000.

And an upper denture, as you know is so secure and trouble free that seldom people complain. In fact anyone with the prospects of needing two or three root canals at $600 each would be advised to have all their upper teeth removed and replaced with one of to-days high tech dentures.

The secret is to have the technician or denturist take an impression of your own teeth first, regardless of their condition.

In this way an exact replica of the shape, slant, contour can be made. The end result will be that your new teeth will be a "CLONE" of your real teeth.

I'm only telling you this for the day when your veneers either break or wear out or the teeth under them begin to loosen or decay at the gum level.

Meanwhile, we are all sorry for your depressive state. If I were a psychologist my advice would be to "remove yourself from the self pity you are showing and exert your efforts toward others, perhaps less fortunate".

You would surprised how depression vanishes when you are helping others. Your own petty problems vanish and the solving of other's problems of others becomes a real therapy.

Honest ! It works. Try it. Wow! I can't help thinking of how a $1000 of that veneer money could have helped clothed or fed a dozen little kids in your town. But I don't mean to be critical.

So unless you are a movie star or a beauty queen, fix those veners and get out of bed and start living. Say it out loud:


Crying over yourself in bed is for spoiled kids and I'm sure you wouldn't weant to be called " a spoiled kid".

We are here to help. Please keep in touch. We care !
Reply:I wish more people had your problem. This is the biggest thing that bothers you? I think you have two things going on here.

1. You like to tell people how much money you spend on things.

2. You have deeply rooted problems.

Overcome it by going outside into the real world.
Reply:you are obsessing over something that you have no control. What good is it doing you? Try to be more pro-active, get a bite guard for night time, and if you grind your teeth during the day, chew gum. Other than that, there simply isn't much you can do about it, so forget it already and get on with your life, you owe that much to your kids.
Reply:Repreping veneers should not take that much removal of tooth structure. As long as the veneers do not crack, they should be able to be recemented should they come off. You might think about getting crowns at some point. These are much more dependable.

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