Saturday, November 14, 2009

Does anyone have porcelain veneers? If so did they hurt and why did you get them?

My top set of teeth are a not straight and it makes me very self concious. Braces are not in my price range but I can afford veneers. I think with staight teeth I would be very pretty. I am tierd of trying to hide my teeth. What should I do? I am worried that once I get veneers, I will regret loosing my real teeth.

Does anyone have porcelain veneers? If so did they hurt and why did you get them?
That is a big subject... Some of the advantages are:

Porcelain veneers are common in creating new smiles and smile makeovers. With porcelain veneers, you can have the smile of your dreams in a very short period of time. Typically veneers are difficult to stain, making veneers a very popular solution for many people seeking that perfect smile. Strong and very durable, veneers last from ten to fifteen years, and come in colors that will brighten dark teeth without the worry of them changing color. Veneers are typically done in only two one and a half hour long appointments, and can actually strengthen your tooth.

There is no additional maintenance, other than a follow-up visit to your cosmetic dentist and proper brushing and flossing on a daily basis.

Finally, a whiter smile gives people to whom you are speaking a place to focus on and gives you a friendlier appearance.

Some of the disadvantages are:

takes roughly a week or two of a period of adjustment to get used to your teeth that have been changed in color, size, spacing and shape. While very little tooth is removed in most cases, there are situations where more tooth must be removed which increases the risk of trauma to the tooth. The amount of tooth to be removed for the veneers should be discussed with your cosmetic dentist beforehand.

It is common to have minor sensitivity after your teeth have been prepared for your veneers while wearing the temporary veneers. Some people can experience a difference in speech, usually pronouncing "s" and "f" sounds. This is corrected through minor adjustments your cosmetic dentist can make to your veneers. Veneers are very reasonable facsimiles of natural teeth, but not perfect replacements for natural teeth. It's common to see slight variations in the color of veneers upon very close inspection, as with natural teeth. It can take up to a month or two before your new smile feels a part of you.

If you suffer from bruxism, clenching or grinding of your teeth, veneers can be damaged, chipped or cracked from this. If you suffer from bruxism, speak with your cosmetic dentist about wearing a mouth guard at night to protect your new smile.

You did not menetion Lumineer Porcelain Tooth Veneers so I did not go into that subject....
Reply:I have heard of those and from what i hear they do not hurt because they are basically covering that go on top of your teeth and make your teeth look more presentable when in public and in private.
Reply:they ARE OKAY
Reply:Someone is offering you veneers for LESS than the cost of braces?? My dad had a basic set of full veneers done and it was 20K Canadian. I had my four front teeth done for 5K...I would be checking into this doctor.

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